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1M$ Pitching - Personal eBook - Immediate Download - (GB) (ISBN 978-3-9505521-3-3)

1M$ Pitching - Pitch Development for Entrepreneurs & Innovators

Buy your personalised version of my book as an eBook and become a 1M$ pitcher!
Download it immediately after ordering using the link in the order confirmation ("Show order").

With the book you will learn
- how to develop your best pitch
- how to perform this pitch in front of an audience
- how to continuously improve your pitch and your pitch skills

Included in the book is the method for pitch development. This also includes access to the associated templates, which you can download free of charge immediately after buying the book.

Bundle offer!
If you would also like to buy a hard copy of the book, then I recommend the bundle. The bundle includes the book as a hard copy delivered to your doorstep, and the eBook as an immediate download. The bundle costs only €50 and you can find it here!

To protect your eBook from being copied, it includes personalised branding: your email address at the bottom of each page.


(ISBN 978-3-9505521-3-3)